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4 Health Benefits of Working Out With a Friend

Creating a workout plan can be a difficult task and sticking to it can be even harder. That’s why many people choose to work out with a buddy—to hold each other accountable. Exercising with a friend goes beyond encouragement, however. It’s also been shown to have a positive impact on your health.

1.      Target New Muscle Groups

When you add a friend to your workout schedule, it can give you a whole new perspective on fitness. Perhaps your friend is interested in aquatic exercise, something you’ve never tried. This gives you the opportunity to work out new muscle groups and make your fitness plan well-rounded. Take turns planning your workout classes to add variety to your schedule, target different muscles, and keep your workouts interesting.

Healthtrax offers a number of group classes, from powerful cardio workouts to low-intensity yoga practices. Swing by a class you wouldn’t typically take and you are bound to reach new levels of fitness. It’s an easy way to diversify your workout—and it can be more fun with a friend.

2.      Reach Fitness Goals Faster

A workout buddy can also help you reach your health and fitness goals more quickly. When you and a friend are in the same stage of your respective fitness journeys, you can see and celebrate your progress together. You’re more likely to push yourself harder if you have someone there to inspire you, which means you’ll see more rapid results.

Not only can friends push you to reach your fitness goals, they can also help you maintain them. A study by the National Institutes of Health found that 95% of participants completed weight-loss programs when they started them with friends, compared with 76% of participants who started their weight-loss journeys alone. Those who worked out with a friend group were also 42% more likely to maintain their weight loss.

3.      Improve Mental Health

Health isn’t just about physical fitness. Mental health is equally important, and both exercise and friendship can have a huge impact on your overall wellbeing. Workout buddies provide moral support and help you reach your goals. It’s easier to accomplish difficult tasks when you have someone there to cheer you on.

As you stick to your workout schedule, you’ll also notice the benefit of endorphins, which make you feel happier. In fact, endorphins are so powerful that “physical activity can have a similar effect as antidepressants,” according to Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences.

Whether you’re dealing with stress or just need a little time to unwind, grab your workout partner and join a yoga class at Healthtrax. Yoga has been showed to help mitigate depression and anxiety, and sometimes, we could all use a little boost.

4.      Stay on a Nutritious Meal Plan

They say “abs are made in the kitchen,” and it’s true that fitness and nutrition go hand in hand. Healthy eating can be challenging if other people in your life aren’t also making it a priority. Workout partners can impact you beyond the gym by helping you maintain a healthy meal plan. When nutrition is important to both you and the people you care about, it becomes easier to develop and enforce healthy eating habits.

Work with your exercise partner to build a meal plan together. Get creative with your meals by taking turns picking healthy recipes to try. For help developing an eating plan that would work well for both you and your friend, contact a Trax Trainer or sign up for our Healthy Start Program.

At Healthtrax, we understand the many health benefits of working out together. When a Healthtrax member refers a friend or  who signs up for an annual membership in February, they’ll receive a free month of dues. Plus, Healthtrax Rewards Members earn 400 points for every friend or family member who joins. So grab a pal and start exercising together. Your body will thank you!

Contact us to learn more and meet your 2020 fitness goals in no time.


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