5 Tips for Working Out With a Face Mask

As stay-at-home orders are lifted across much of the country, face masks have become the new normal—especially in the fitness world. Face coverings are key to protecting ourselves and others against germs like the coronavirus. While working out in a face mask may seem like a nuisance, it can be an effective addition to your fitness routine to stop the spread of COVID-19. We’ve gathered a few tips and tricks to help you make the most of your workout while wearing a face covering.

masked man holding weight

1.   Wear the Right Face Covering

Finding the right mask is essential to completing a successful workout without any distractions. Things to consider when choosing a mask are the materials, shape and fit of the face covering. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), face masks should fit snug around the nose and chin, with no gaps on the side. We recommend wearing a face covering made of breathable, moisture-wicking material, which will allow you to breathe more freely while exercising, while also staying dry. However, a cotton mask will work if you do not have an athletic mask.

If you’re in the market for a new face cover, athletic brands such as Adidas and Under Armor have created face masks designed with athletes in mind. As long as your face mask is freshly cleaned, comfortable, properly fitted and keeping you safe, you can work out with ease knowing you are not only protecting yourself, but those around you.

2.   Safely Adjust Your Mask Mid-Workout

Every now and then you may feel the need to adjust your mask while working out, or remove it to hydrate. We recommend a few things to ensure you are doing so safely:

  • Avoid fidgeting with your mask as much as possible while working out. If you do find yourself having to adjust it constantly, your mask may not fit properly.

  • If you are removing your mask to hydrate periodically, touch only the ear loops rather than the front of the mask, as this is where germs could collect.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth while the mask is off and throughout your workout session.

  • Wash your hands before and after you remove your mask. If soap and water aren’t available, be sure to use hand sanitizer instead. It’s also important to wash your hands before and immediately following your workout.

Be sure to adjust your mask only when needed. Keep your nose, mouth and
chin covered while working out and talking.

3.   Monitor Your Exercise Levels

Exercise intensity is important to look out for, with or without wearing a face mask. According to a study performed by Life Systems International, wearing a face covering can decrease the flow of oxygen to your lungs. You may find it difficult to perform certain workouts, such as high-intensity interval training, while wearing mask. If you’re wearing a mask and feel out of breath quicker than usual, try not to push yourself too hard and take frequent breaks. Allow your body to adjust to the restricted airflow of a face mask and gradually increase the intensity of your workout over time.

Keep in mind, it could take several weeks for your body to fully adapt to working out in a mask. However, the more frequently you exercise while wear a face mask, the more your body will adjust to the reduced flow of oxygen.

4.   Bring Two Masks

If you tend to sweat a lot while working out, we recommend carrying two face masks with you. The second mask can replace your damp mask, since germs commonly collect on damp surfaces. The benefit of using a fabric face covering is that you can wash it after exercising to keep it clean and sanitized. According to the WHO, any laundry detergent should be suitable for cleaning your masks. Wash your masks in hot water at least once a day, dry them thoroughly and store them in resealable bags. When handling your mask, be sure to only touch the straps and not the center part that covers your face. Disposable masks should be thrown out after each use and should not be reused.

5.   Safety Is Key

It’s important to take safety precautions when heading back to the gym, such as sanitizing equipment properly, social distancing and wearing a face mask. At Healthtrax, we’ve taken our reopening protocols very seriously to ensure a clean and safe environment for our members.

With each passing day, there are more and more scientific reasons that support the effectiveness of wearing a face mask to protect ourselves and our communities. By helping stop the spread of COVID-19, we can continue to live our lives the way we want and ultimately return to a world without face coverings.
However, now is the time for each of us to do our part and keep the people within our communities safe and healthy.